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13 August 2007

rewarded + lega

mood: tak sehat + demam + semput :#
selected track: dayangku intan - cinta di taman larangan, kelly clarkson - my december album
blogging @office

semput :-x
sebab makan sambal udang petai t/hari smalam..semalaman aku tak tido lena coz my chest jadi sempit..nak napas pon susah..but i have to sleep..pejam jugak la mata..eventho tak selena maner..and till now it's still bothers me..ayooo~~ :#

sebab hajat untuk menggunakan 1st official paycheck untuk beli something for my family members dah's such a least i'm happy+proud for least i can buy somethings for them and reward myself with something that i want to :D

memula dapat paycheck mcm panic jer nak manage financial, coz takut over budget and pity to my mum yang akan perasan biler anaknyer ini kekurengan wang :p..(thanx mama) but after manage it carefully (alhamdulillah), i think i can survived till the next paycheck..yay~~ :D

i promised aishah to get her a dress as a birthday present..tapi mcm tak aci jer belikan dier sorang..lastly decided to buy clothes to balqis and laila as well :D

i bought something that the rest of my family members leh pakai..which at first ingatnyer nak bagi cash money..tapi biler pikir² balik..better beli something yang diorang sume boleh pakaikan?? :D

to all woman in the house includes usu and me, i bought telekong wiff nice kerawang, for abah i bought him kurta in maroon plus kain pelekat for paksu as well.

for adik, i'ved promised him to contribute RM200 for his new handphone..his handphone to nazak to used..and for ayen i've promised him to topup his handphone every any extra needs than can be considerate :D

this month i reward myself with a nice shoe..actually beli kasut nie for office purpose..i've already have 1 heels that i bought to attend MPG PPI last year and a pair of black shoe for graduation but unfortunately :-x that heels kills my back (to high for me to wear to office :p) & the black shoe are already uncomfortable to wear :-x (longgar sebelah or kakiku yg kureng??)

next month it's time for ayah li & family plak dh nak puasa :$


  1. btw dear, kedai bundle tu aku rase dh tutop, went there for the 3rd time, still tutop!! feel like crying terkubur hasrat nk beli..sempat beli dua pairs je!

    btw, thanx for putting up my banner! mwaaahs

  2. nvm la dear
    bukan rezeki aku+ko (shooping again) kot nk pki pump-shoe yg mahal tp murah :p


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